Hi. My name is Amit, and I build systems.
I’m an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science department at Princeton University, where I lead the Praxis lab and co-lead the SNS group.
My research centers around the idea that well designed secure systems empower developers and their applications, rather than restrict them. This usually manifests in building practical and secure operating systems, embedded systems, distributed systems, and often leverages tools from programming languages.
If you are a Princeton undergraduate interested in research or looking for a thesis/IW advisor, a prospective PhD student, or a colleague trying to sound like you’ve kept up with my work before seeing me, consider looking at a summary of my current and recent projects.
Recent Selected Publications
Only Pay for What You Leak: Leveraging Sandboxes for a Minimally Invasive Browser Fingerprinting Defense. IEEE S&P 2023 [PDF]
Doing More with Less: Orchestrating Serverless Applications without an Orchestrator. NSDI ‘23. [PDF]
Computation-Centric Networking. HotNets ‘22. [PDF]
Speculative Recovery: Cheap, Highly Available Fault Tolerance with Disaggregated Storage. ATC ‘22. [PDF]
Regular Sequential Serializability and Regular Sequential Consistency. SOSP ‘21. : [PDF]
Safer at Any Speed: Automatic Context-Aware Safety Enhancement for Rust. OOPSLA ‘21. [PDF]
PhD Students
Christopher Branner-Augmon2
Jingyuan (Leo) Chen
Masters Students
- Ryan Torok
- David Liu (PhD, 2022)
Co-advised with Wyatt Lloyd ↩
Co-advised with Jennifer Rexford ↩