Reigning in the Memory Manager

Hi, I'm Amit from MemCachier

MemCachier is...

Why we care about GC performance

MemCachier is latency sensitive. We need to answer queries...

Our servers are heavily loaded:

GC pauses are a killer!

The GC in Action

The GC in Action: End-to-end benchmark

    type User struct {
      entries map[string]*CacheValue

    type Cache map[username]*User

At 1.6GB

Why is this happening?

The garbage collector has two phases:



    func mark(ps []Pointer) {
      for _,p := range(ps) {


    cur := firstPointerInHeap
    while cur != nil {
      next :=
      if !cur.Live() {
      cur = next

The GC in Action

Lots of garbage

The GC in Action

The GC in Action: Effect of Heap Size

The GC in Action: Effect of # Live Objects

We have to get around the garbage collector...

The unsafe package

    type Pointer *ArbitraryTypepre

    1) A pointer value of any type can be converted to a Pointer.
    2) A Pointer can be converted to a pointer value of any type.
    3) A uintptr can be converted to a Pointer.
    4) A Pointer can be converted to a uintptr.

We can use unsafe.Pointer to do out own memory management!

For example...

type CacheValue {
  ...bunch of metadata...  

var greatBigSlice []byte = make([]byte, 4GB)

func Get(offset int) (*CacheValue) {
  return (*CacheValue)(unsafe.Pointer(&greatBigSlice[offset]))

OK, well not exactly...

The problem is that CacheValue actually looks like this:

  type CacheValue struct {
    Key          []byte
    Value        []byte
    Flags        []byte
    Expiration   time.Time
    Version      uint64        

A Slab Memory Allocator

A slab memory-allocator stores memory objects in fix sized bins.


A Slab Memory Allocator

A Chunk represents an application-level item in the allocator

A Page is a 1MB region containing Chunks of one size.

Slabs manage pages for the same chunk sizes.

type Chunk []byte
type Page []byte

type Slab struct {
  Pages     []Page
  FreePage  uint16 // Next free page
  FreeItem  uint16 // Next free item slot
  ChunkSize ByteSize

A Slab Allocator

Structure of the top level Slab-based cache.

type Cache struct {
  // 15 pointers
  Slabs   [MAX_FACTOR - MIN_FACTOR + 1]Slab

  // Protects access to each slab meta data
  Slabtex [MAX_FACTOR - MIN_FACTOR + 1]sync.Mutex

  // Stores the memory location of the beginning of a chain
  // for hashed keys.
  Keys    [HASH_SLOTS]MemRef

  // Protects linked chains in the hash-map.
  Keytex  [HASH_SLOTS]sync.Mutex

A Slab Memory Allocator

To get data in and out of the allocator:

func (ptr MemRef) toChunk(c *Cache) Chunk {
  slab := c.GetSlab(ptr.Slab)
  page := slab.Pages[ptr.Page]
  chunkNum := ByteSize(ptr.Chunk)
  return Chunk(page[slab.ChunkSize * chunkNum:][:slab.ChunkSize])

func (ptr MemRef) toHeader(c *Cache) (*ItemHeader) {
  chunk := ptr.toChunk(c)
  return (*ItemHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&chunk[0]))

Some cute hacks...

Cute hacks - inline assembly

Use native operations instead of log functions on Floats

TEXT ·log2Floor(SB),7,$0
	BSRQ 8(SP), AX  // 8(SP) is the first argument
	MOVQ AX, 16(SP) // store result

About an order of magnitude faster, used many times per Get/Set

Cute hacks - saving a few bytes

Instead of 64-bit pointers, we use a struct with three 16-bit indexes.

Doesn't matter alone, but helps save 4 bytes here and there when reused in other structs.

type MemRef struct {
  Slab    uint16
  Page    uint16
  Chunk   uint16

An end-to-end benchmark (Remember this?)

The GC with slab based version:

Compare this to ~100ms in steady-state and 1 secondmaximum for 1GB

OK, I lied...

Use Mmap to directly allocate memory

When using make to allocate []byte, GC pauses still grew to 20ms steady state and 500ms max.

    page, err := syscall.Mmap(-1, 0, int(PAGE_SIZE),
                              syscall.MAP_ANON | syscall.MAP_PRIVATE)

This makes the GC totally ignore this part of the heap.


Check us out!


Be excellent to each other!

